“樱花大道”---Lower Mall
lundi, mars 31, 2008
vendredi, mars 28, 2008
mercredi, mars 19, 2008
University of Washington, Seattle
Suzzallo Library
It boasts to be "the soul of the university". Indeed architecturally aesthetic.
Paul G Allen Centre. Home of the CSE department. There are only 160 undergrads in the CS department, and yet they have such a luxurious building! Yeah, American universities are RICH.
The Quad
Unidentified Gothic style building
The lake view from the backyard of a CS prof's house. Oh man, that guy's super rich. He has his own deck.
The view from the top of Paul Allen Centre. I'd say this is in no way comparable with the view we have in CS2 at UBC. While we look at the Pacific Ocean, they have only that small lake, and moreover, they have to endure that green, scenery-destroying chimney!
The front entrance of Paul Allen Centre.
Deep corridor symbolizes knowledge? Just my wild guess...
It boasts to be "the soul of the university". Indeed architecturally aesthetic.
Paul G Allen Centre. Home of the CSE department. There are only 160 undergrads in the CS department, and yet they have such a luxurious building! Yeah, American universities are RICH.
The Quad
Unidentified Gothic style building
The lake view from the backyard of a CS prof's house. Oh man, that guy's super rich. He has his own deck.
The view from the top of Paul Allen Centre. I'd say this is in no way comparable with the view we have in CS2 at UBC. While we look at the Pacific Ocean, they have only that small lake, and moreover, they have to endure that green, scenery-destroying chimney!
The front entrance of Paul Allen Centre.
Deep corridor symbolizes knowledge? Just my wild guess...
Libellés :
Computer Science,
University of Washington
dimanche, mars 16, 2008
Tibet Was, Is, and Will Always Be Part of China!
This is the best-ever video I saw on Youtube!
Most Westerners don't know anything about Tibet. What they "claim" to know is all from their "objective" Western media. What qualifications do you have to comment or criticize other countries' internal affairs when you haven't yet cleaned up your own mess of racial problems in your backyard? So if you don't have the full knowledge of what you are talking about, please keep your mouth shut!
vendredi, mars 14, 2008
学校给找的旅馆还挺不错的, 一个人睡两张床, 就一爽字. :)
在曼哈顿如此拥挤的地方,竟然还有一Central Park的绿地,真是amazing啊。
Ellis Island. 据说最初的来美国的移民都要先在这个岛上的这个“移民厅”登陆后才能进入曼哈顿的。
Libellés :
night view shots,
Times Sqaure,
Wall Street
jeudi, mars 13, 2008
昨天晚上在junk folder里发现了UIUC CS的offer,无语中。。。Yahoo的spam filter也过于严格了吧。Anyways, 还是蛮surprise的,本来以为现在这个时候收到的admission decision都是拒信。(一方面也因为最近收到的拒信是在太多。)至此,今年的admissions game基本上收宫了。接下来就要进行思想斗争来做最后的决定。收到的这几个offers都挺不错,但又都不是自己最想去的(最想去的没要我)。这种状况实在令人想抓狂。
mardi, mars 11, 2008
SAMSI Workshop
2月28日,启程千里迢迢飞去北卡罗来纳,参加SAMSI办的一个undergrad workshop。先飞到西雅图Sea-Tac机场,转机去盐湖城。西雅度不愧是高科技城市,机场里似乎人手一个iPhone。。。
经过将近一整天的转机飞行,终于到达位于北卡的Raleigh-Durham地区。还好主办方满贴心,拍了车子到机场直接把我们拉到Research Triangle Park的Radisson住下。之所以叫Research Triangle Park,是因为这里在Raleigh, Durham, 和Chapel Hill之间,然后三座城市又分别是北卡州立,Duke,和北卡大的校址。
这次北卡之行感觉并没有留下太深的印象,因为到达后第二天一大早主办方就把我们车到SAMSI在RTP的楼里,开始lecture,一直到晚上五六点钟,回hotel吃晚饭。第三天一样一大早就上课,中午十二点结束后,大家就都直奔机场离开了。本来还以为会去Duke参观一下之类的,结果就只是上课而已。不过北卡的天气似乎不错,也不是很冷。Research Triangle Park看上去有点像Burnaby EA, Kodak, 和HSBC在那块地方,到处都是树,但冷不丁树丛里就冒出来一块牌子,写着"IBM",就是传说中IBM在北卡的那个研发中心吧。
在SAMSI听到主办方讲的最经典的一句话就是"You'll never get hungry at SAMSI." 哈哈。尽管吃!美国人还真是满有钱的,出钱把这二十几号人从美加各地拉到这里,就上那么一天半课,我其实并不太理解他们怎么justify这个cost。
经过将近一整天的转机飞行,终于到达位于北卡的Raleigh-Durham地区。还好主办方满贴心,拍了车子到机场直接把我们拉到Research Triangle Park的Radisson住下。之所以叫Research Triangle Park,是因为这里在Raleigh, Durham, 和Chapel Hill之间,然后三座城市又分别是北卡州立,Duke,和北卡大的校址。
这次北卡之行感觉并没有留下太深的印象,因为到达后第二天一大早主办方就把我们车到SAMSI在RTP的楼里,开始lecture,一直到晚上五六点钟,回hotel吃晚饭。第三天一样一大早就上课,中午十二点结束后,大家就都直奔机场离开了。本来还以为会去Duke参观一下之类的,结果就只是上课而已。不过北卡的天气似乎不错,也不是很冷。Research Triangle Park看上去有点像Burnaby EA, Kodak, 和HSBC在那块地方,到处都是树,但冷不丁树丛里就冒出来一块牌子,写着"IBM",就是传说中IBM在北卡的那个研发中心吧。
在SAMSI听到主办方讲的最经典的一句话就是"You'll never get hungry at SAMSI." 哈哈。尽管吃!美国人还真是满有钱的,出钱把这二十几号人从美加各地拉到这里,就上那么一天半课,我其实并不太理解他们怎么justify这个cost。
MURC (Multi-disciplinary Undergrad Research Conference)
lundi, mars 10, 2008
Mounted Police Spotted On Campus!
This is the first time that I saw mounted police on UBC campus ever since I came here. The horses are handsome and elegant, I would say. But I was just wondering about one question: they are not RCMP, but Vancouver Police, surprisingly. UBC is technically not part of the City of Vancouver, so it is actually under the charge of RCMP. So what are the VPD people doing here? And I also could not help wondering, is the security level at UBC raised to such a level that we need mounted police to patrol around the campus?
Tony's Blogger Re-opens!
Three years ago, I abandoned Blogger on the ground that posting pictures here was really pain in the neck. Now Google has acquired Blogger and has actually made a lot of improvements to it, including picture posting. So I decided to re-open my Blogger, which is probably a nice place to post some of my travel-logs. Stay tuned. :)
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