vendredi, avril 29, 2005

Settled in Fairview

After two days of packing and 'transporting', and with the help from Eddy and Howie, I have finally moved everything from Gage to Fairview, the summer residence. Fairview is certainly inferior to Gage, in my opinion. First of all, there's no TV. How am I gonna watch the remaining Rockets playoffs, and the 台湾八卦? That sux! And also, Fairview is farther away from the bus loop. That will make a huge difference starting from next week when I have to go to work every day from 9 to 5. But well, it's set. And I have made my room look more or less the same as before, quite feeling like home. Life has to go on.

dimanche, avril 24, 2005

Shanghai Auto Show

Look at the models at Shanghai Auto Show! How could the Vancouver Auto Show compare with it? There was NOT a single model at the Vancouver show...

Shanghai Auto Show 2

Shanghai Auto Show 1

vendredi, avril 22, 2005

Queen Elizabeth Park

Went to Queen Elizabeth Park with Xiao Se this afternoon. I'd consider it quite a worthy trip. The garden is pretty much of the same style as The Butchart Garden in Victoria. But, this one is totally free, and it appears as good.

(All photos below courtesy of Eddy, the professional photographer~~~~-to-be)

Sunken Garden---simply marvellous

Sunken Garden---another view

Hmm...What does this tree look like? Let your imagination run wild!

Lovely tulips

Such beautiful flowers

jeudi, avril 21, 2005

French done

Just finished my FREN 102 final. It was pretty manageable, slightly harder than the previous chapter tests, but that's pretty much expected for a final exam. Although this is my only final this term, and I've actually been slacking for a long time, I still feel relieved when it's done. Alright, now I really have to start writing my work term report, which I have been 'brainstorming' for a long long time and yet haven't written a single word for. Meanwhile, I also have to pack up my stuff and prepare for the move to Fairview. Annoying...

mercredi, avril 20, 2005

French final tomorrow, no blogging today...

mardi, avril 19, 2005

My first work term has ended.

I went back to Schemasoft with Billy this afternoon to return our PCs. So now, I've officially finished the work term at Schemasoft. In the end, they actually let me keep the 17" bulky monitor as a 'token of appreciation', haha. (I'd rather keep the tower itself :p) What can I use it for? If the IT service 'buys back' monitors, maybe I'll just sell it, for whatever price offered. Certainly I'm not gonna carry it along when I move to Fairview at the end of the month. Bye Schemasoft! Oh wait, actually should be Apple Canada now. :p

lundi, avril 18, 2005

Recommended TV Drama 2 --- Love Story in Harvard (Korea)

片名:爱在哈佛 Love Story in Harvard
地区:韩 国
类型:爱 情

Actually the drama title is kinda misleading, because only less than half of the story happened and was filmed in Harvard. The rest is all in Seoul. Just like a typical Korean drama, the heroine fell into a life-threatening illness, but this time it's a happy ending. Nevertheless, it's undoubtably a highly recommended piece of work (I would give it a 4.5 star). And, the campus scenary of Harvard is indeed breath-taking, gorgeous, and...(haven't yet found another appropriate adjective) Wish I were there!

More photos and wallpapers of this drama in my MSN Space photo album.

金泰熙 饰 李秀茵:哈佛医学系3年级的学生。小时候随父亲移民到美国,受了不少磨难。在父亲的影响下养成了独立,坚强的性格,是个聪敏能干的女孩子。非常率直,从来都不隐藏自己的感情,为了和贤宇相爱。放弃了一直梦寐以求,对自己来说千载难逢的机会。懂得什么是真正的爱情。为了所爱的人,愿意付出和牺牲。

金来元 饰 金贤宇:哈佛法律系留学的新生。在韩国有名望的法学世家出生,并被抚养长大。祖父是受人尊敬的大法官,父亲是律师事务所的代表,在头脑、为人、行为方面都非常优秀。不受名誉、金钱和权利的束缚。是个善良、热心、有人情味的人。

李廷镇 饰 洪正民:美国式的理性主义者,原理原则主义者。得体、优雅的衣着和举止,具有贵族气质。冷酷、理智,过于自负。从小在没有挫折,优越的环境下长大。心地却有着因父亲好不容易建立起来的事业却因为贤宇的父亲所经营的律师事务所中的诉讼中彻底失败而失去父亲的不幸阴影。

金枚 饰 刘真雅:在典型的美国式教育下长大成人。为了得到想要的东西和达到自己的目的会不择手段,性格执拗,还具有很强的占有欲。但是因为恋上了正民,为了得到正民的爱,甚至于达到了会为了爱情而不惜舍弃自己的地步。然而,却始终无法得到他的心。

vendredi, avril 15, 2005


Is God playing a joke with me? Yesterday he gave me a blow on my head, and today he made me an offer? I can't stand such 大悲大喜 for many times before I go crazy. He IS making me crazy.
Last night, I emailed my co-op coordinator asking her if BC Cancer Research Centre had made their decision on hiring, cos I couldn't wait to know whether my last chance still exist or not. So this morning, she called BCCRC, and actually BCCRC was just about to send me email to make an offer of a Anaylst/Developer position in their genome research lab. And just now, the guy interviewed me that day emailed me to confirm the offer. Finally... The interview-offer ratio stops at 12:1. :P It turns out really like what Lu Yi said---my last chance is my offer. Thanks, Eddy, Lu Yi, and Donkey, for comforting me. Really appreciate your support from 'around the world' (Vancouver, London, Singapore, ya, that's indeed 'around the world', haha).
In the past, I thought I was a calm person who can face frustration confidently. But now, looking back, I was actually behaving like a child, emotional, impatient, unconfident... funny.

jeudi, avril 14, 2005

Feel so down...

Didn't pass the HR interview with Creo, not even had the chance to meet with the technical staff. Sighz... What a blow on the head! Time's running out, mid-April already now. Seems like I really have to seriously think about what if I can't get a co-op job for the summer, although I've always been unwilling to do so. What's wrong with me this term?? I think I've broken the record for the interview-offer ratio in the department. What a sarcastic and humiliating record...

mardi, avril 12, 2005


Hoho, anti-Jap demonstration in Suzhou! Didn't expect that would happen in my hometown at all! Looks like pretty serious, riot police deployed, and got ppl arrested... (Photos were sent from Eddy and Li Bin.)

In front of Suzhou People's Store

As DPP is so screwed in handling the Cross-Strait relations right now, the co-operation between CCP and KMT for the third time in the Chinese history becomes not only possible, but even necessary as well. More.

lundi, avril 11, 2005

Rockets thrashed Sonics by 90:78, as expected

Rockets advanced to playoff

Yay, Rockets beat Suns. Shuang! Now looking forward to the match against Supersonics tonight. Most likely will win.

Sui Feifei has arrived at Sacramento Monarchs, ready for WNBA.
Her resume:

dimanche, avril 10, 2005

BT is indeed so 'BT'...

Still downloading my 《爱在哈佛》at a turtle speed of 5K/s... unbearable... however, one guy somewhere on campus is downloading from me at 200+ K/s!! wat de... feel so 'unbalanced' while watching that wild difference. :(

samedi, avril 09, 2005

Vancouver Auto Show 05

Went to Auto Show at BC Place Stadium this afternoon, and saw a lot of cars, cool or ugly. Ppl usually say “香车美女”,but today there was no single 美女 for those “香车”, which is quite a pity... Basically I'm a 外行, so I just took a lot of pictures for my photo album of my MSN Space.

The Rich Cultural and Linguistic Background of the Suzhou Dialect




苏州好风光(新版 朱虹演唱)

上有呀天堂 下呀有苏杭
城里有园林 城外有水乡
哎呀 苏州好风光 好呀好风光 哎呀哎呀
春季里杏花开 雨中采茶忙
夏日里荷花塘 琵琶丁冬响
摇起小船 轻弹柔唱 桥洞里面看月亮
桥洞里面看月亮 哎呀哎呀
秋天里桂花香 庭院书声朗
冬季里腊梅放 太湖连长江
推开门窗 青山绿水 巧手绣出新天堂
巧手绣出新天堂 哎呀哎呀
上有呀天堂 下呀有苏杭
哎哎呀 说不尽苏州好呀好风光
哎呀哎呀 说不尽苏州好呀好风光 说不尽苏州好呀好风光

这首歌唱得非常好,把苏州话的“软”和“糯”表现得淋漓尽致。但是,我听了几遍都觉得有些字的发音似乎和我平时讲的不一样。比如“下”,“水”,“茶”,“江”,“月”这些字在那首歌里的发音感觉更接近普通话,不得其解。我们Eddy Wu同学的解释是唱歌里的发音有时就是和口语不一样的。Well, I'll just take it as it is.

这一篇《吴侬软语 苏式美食--从金庸武侠小说细看姑苏》讲的也是蛮有道理的。!1pUzPY8NepMbIzJc9OOgymRw!163.entry

F.I.R. released their second album

F.I.R.'s new album is so disappointing... :-(

vendredi, avril 08, 2005

ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest Final

As the Blogger server was down from yesterday afternoon to night, I posted this entry in my MSN Spaces, which can be found here:!1pUzPY8NepMbIzJc9OOgymRw!134.entry

Happened to find the lyrics of "Eyes On Me"

Whenever sang my songs 
on the stage on my own
Whenever said my words 
Wishing they would be heard

I saw you smiling at me 
Was it real or just my fantasy
You'd always be there in the corner of this tiny little bar

My last night here for you 
same old songs just once more
My last night here with you 
Maybe Yes Maybe No

I kind of liked it your way 
How you shyly placed your eyes on me
Did you ever know that I had mine on you?

Darling So there you are 
with that look on your face
As if you've never hurted 
As if you've never down
Shall I be the one for you 
Who pinches you softly but sure
If frown is shown then 
I will know that you are no dreamer

So let me come to you 
Close as I wanted to be
Close enough for me to feel your heart beating fast

and stay there as I whisper
How I loved your peaceful eyes on me
Did you ever know that I had mine on you?

Darling So share with me
your love if you have enought
your tears if you're holding back
of pain If that's what it is
How can I let you know 
I'm more than the dress and the voice
Just reach me out then you will know that you're not dreaming

Faye Wong / Eyes On Me

jeudi, avril 07, 2005

Tired of interviews...

Just came back from two interviews in a day, one with ACL in the morning, and the other with BC Cancer Research Centre in the afternoon. ACL is pretty good, big multi-national, downtown location, and more importantly, the software they are developing is business statistical tools, which fall right into my academic interests. They also seem to be very serious about co-op interviews. This morning's interview is already the second round (no other company ever did that), and including the first round, I've been interviewed by three different groups of ppl. Tired...
On the other hand, the BCCRC interview seems to be more enjoyable. Got a nice interviewer, Asian, pretty young, but wait, he's a Post-Doc already! The working environment is awesome. A lot of glass, looks really techy and 'transparent', with enough light, natural light. The software they are working on is a bio-statistical tool, which is also good to me.
Tomorrow got one more with Pro-face INDE Electronics, and next Monday morning with another company whose name I have to check out later. The only thing I'm 'impressed' about it is its location---North Shore! Holy... Have to take the sea bus to go there. How early shall I have to wake up??
Pray, pray... Pls let me get an offer soon. Really sick of going for any more interviews...

mercredi, avril 06, 2005

What UBC would have looked like

(UBC Archives Photo #1.1/1331)

Original plan of the UBC campus, by architects Sharp and Thompson - bird's eye view, looking south-east.

mardi, avril 05, 2005

Recommended TV Drama (China/Korea)


片 长:四十集
    董 洁 --饰展 颜
    陈孝萱(台湾)--饰王 琪
    六 月(台湾)--饰李纬凡
    施 羽 --饰周大山

唯有爱情,在这个季节变幻的星球上,只要有爱情,这样的故事就会永远延续…… ” ---新浪网

刚看完,感觉非常不错,还蛮有深度的,值得推荐!演员阵容挺强的,都是实力派。超喜欢这种 大陆/台湾/韩国 hybrid。

董 洁






董 洁




Blogger possibly blocked by the Chinese government

Kao, my father said when he tried to visit my blog, he kept getting this "Address not found" error, but the address he's using is perfectly right. Must be the government blocked Blogger as a whole... shoot... very Bu Shuang now :(

lundi, avril 04, 2005

Vote on the poll

In the poll here, there's another version recorded by a girl.
My version is in the previous post.
Vote on the poll for which one is better!





原文来自 看了很有感触。



一次在新加坡和几个比自己小一些的苏州人吃饭,我自然一开口就是吴语,没想到他们竟然说‘你怎么讲苏州话?’,‘我们在苏州都讲普通话的’… 作为学长我其实完全可以用‘忘本’之类的话教训一下后辈,当然作为‘吴人’的良好品德之一,我还是靠一个深呼吸让自己忍耐住,当然在心里早已把他们骂得狗血喷头。不过其实这是很普遍的现实,在苏州,特变在年轻人中间,讲吴语的越来越少,小朋友们绝对是一口标准的普通话。另外无数外来人口的涌入,现在在苏州街头听到的只有带着苏州口音的普通话和带着外地口音的普通话两种,吴语是无处查找的。这样的‘里应外合’早已使吴语基本上已经看到了死期。






samedi, avril 02, 2005

Singlish A To Z

Singapore is a multi-cultural society, and so is Singlish, which integrates words and phrases from Chinese ( Hokkien/Cantonese/Mandarin), Malay, and Indian, and is so widely used in Singapore along with the 'proper' English. The following words and phrases are just those that I know. Certainly there are a lot more which I may not even heard of during my years in Singapore.

AGAK-AGAK(ah-ga, ah-ga)
Malay term meaning "to estimate".

A pet-name which literally means, "lotus flower". In real life, it refers to an unsophisticated Chinese girl. Stereotypically dresses in neon colours, wears a huge ribbon perched on the top of her head, and carries a tiny basket.

An Malay expression of dismay, surprise or alarm.
"Alamak! Why you go and do this sort of stupid thing?"

ALSO CAN (ohso-can)
Usually found at the end of sentences. Means "this is okay with me," or "this can also be done."
1. "This one you want to pay by installment, also can."
2. "You only owe me $5. But if you want to give me $10, also can lah."

Hokkien for 'red-hair'. A pejorative term used to describe Caucasians. I read from somewhere that during the Ming Dynasty, when General Zhen ChengGong fought with the Dutch and drove them out of Taiwan, the Chinese called the Dutch 'Red Hair Devil'. Since the Taiwanese also use a variant of Hokkien, I guess that's how this term 'Ang Mor' was included into the Hokkien vocabulary and passed down the generations.

Acronym for Boy-Girl Relationship

Used to describe someone as rather inept or in a world of his own. May also be used to describe the feeling of being dazed.
1. Such a simple thing also cannot do. You damn blur!?
2. Wah lao, I do maths, do until blur, man.

Monosyllabic answer denoting one's ability to fulfil a requested task or problem.
A: Lend me your car leh.?
B: Can lah.

A question on whether something is permissable.
1. "Today after school follow me go downtown, can or not?"
2. "Eh, borrow me $5 today, tomorrow I return you, can or not?"

Hokkien term meaning something is profound or deep or intellectual.
"You study philosophy? Wah lao, damn cheem, man!"

A somewhat impolite way of describing a woman as pretty.
"Checkout that chick, man. Damn chio!"

CHIO BU(chee-oh boo)
A pretty woman. A somewhat rude term.
"Far East Plaza got a lot of chio bu."

To go all out, with no possibility of non-compliance. The Singlish equivalent of "die trying".
"I promise die die will pay you back tomorrow."

Direct translation of a Hokkien phrase. A warning against hubris: do not fool with things beyond your ability. "This job is very crucial. Dont play play hor."

An adjective usually applied to people who do things which are unnecessary or pointless, kind of different from other people.
1. "Eh, Recess already you still want to do homework! You damn extra, you know!"

Cantonese for "cannot manage". Often used in the sense that things are going out of control.
"Ah Lien got promoted to marketing manager? Wah lau, she sure gao mm dim one."

A Malay contraction of the colonial instruction to "go astern", i.e. to reverse one's vehicle or turn it around. Can be used as a verb.
"You can gostan your car some more. Still got space behind."

Denoting availability of something.
Beng: "Got milk or not?"
Seng: "Got!"

Another Singlish tag, used like a punctuation mark.
"He, hor, very kan cheong one."

A phrase that's tagged on to virtually any question (usually grammatically incorrect). It is also used on its own to express skepticism.
1. "You got mail, is it?" (You've received mail, have you?")
2. A: "I got accepted into Harvard." B: "Is it?"

Acronym for "kia lai kia kee" - Hokkien for "to walk about" or "stroll".
"Eh, let's go Orchard Road and K.L.K.K."

KAN CHEONG(kahn chee-ong)
A Cantonese term meaning nervous, worried or uptight.
"Your exam in June, now only March, you kan-cheong for what?" (The exam's in June and now it's only March. What are you getting so nervous for?)

Hokkien term literally meaning, "afraid of death". Used to admonish someone for being coward.
"Raining only, cannot go out, meh? Why you so kiasi one?"

Hokkien adjective literally meaning, "afraid of losing". A highly pejorative description beloved of Singaporeans. Kiasu-ism is possibly the defining national characteristic. Former Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong once suggested that the Singaporean is kiasu, kiasee, and if he is a man, kiabo (being afraid of his wife)--- the famous triple K's.
"No need to copy all my notes lah. Dont be so kiasu one."

The ubiquitous Singlish tag. Used like a fullstop in a sentence.
1. "It was just like that lah."
2. "Never mind lah."
3. "Donno lah."

Hokkien for "dribble shit". It means a case of diarrhoea."Ang mor png, chia'h liau sure lau sai" ("After eating western food, you will definitely have diarrhoea.")

Yet another Singlish tag, similar in usage to "Lah", but which adds a slightly quizzical tone to the sentence.
"I didn't know Ah Beng was like that, leh."

A Hokkien tag which depending on the context can mean either "already" or "finished".
1. "His mother early-early si liao, loh." (His mother died very early.)
2. "Like that his business sure liao, lah." (In such circumstances, his business is surely finished.)

Yet another Singlish tag, similar in usage to "Lah", but which adds a slightly cynical or resigned tone to the sentence.
"Aiyah, don't care him. He's always like that, lor."

MAH FAN(mah farn)
Mandarin for "bother" or "bothersome"; used either as a verb or adjective. Guess it's one of the few Mandarin phrases in Singlish.
"Why you always come and mah fan me one?"
"Why they want to ask so many questions? So mah fan one?"

Corner stall selling miscellaneous sundry goods, often run by Indian shopkeepers.

A Singlish tag which accompanies questions. Adds a slight tone of incredulity.
"Ah Beng is like that, meh?"

Cantonese for "blur, confused".Similar to Blur

Economical verb meaning to turn or shut something off.
"Please off the light."
Same rule applies to "On".

Very enthusiastic, like participating in a lot of clubs/societies/volunteering work
"she's damn on, man, got four exec positions this term."

Yet another Singlish tag, similar in use to "lah", but which almost always follow a word which is some sort of attribute. This probably stems from words such as "de" in Mandarin and "eh" in Hokkien.
1. "Why you so stupid one?"
2. "Aiyah, he's like that one, lah."

Inexplicably, to cheat.
"I warn you, ah, don't play cheat or I tell teacher then you know!"

ROJAK (roh-jah')
A salad of mixed vegetables taken with sauce. Of Malay origin, it has been adapted by all races. In Singlish, it is used as an adjective, to describe something as being either eclectic, or just plain messy.
"This sort of multi-cultural event ah if don't plan properly will come out all rojak."

Singlish contraction of "sabotage". Used to cover instances of practical jokes and tricks to outright betrayal.
"You don't sabo me, I warn you ah!"

To leave the matter alone and watch how it develops. Often repeated for emphasis.
"I oreddy submitted the application form. So now just see how, see how, lor."

To be idle.
"Eh, you got homework, hurry up go and do! Don't just sit here and shake leg!"

A wonderfully concise Hokkien adjective which conveys boredom, weariness, frustration and emptiness.
1. My job is damn sian, man.
2. Wah lau eh, I do Further-maths, do until sian oreddy. (我靠,我做 Further-Math 做到sian了啦。)

Hokkien for "crazy".
1. "You want to go and talk at Speakers Corner? You seow or what?"
2. "Look at that seow char bor (crazy woman)!"

Economic term, used in the same manner as "So what now?"
"The show is oreddy sold out. So how?"

Singlish phrase used to express indignation at an inadequate attempt at an apology
A: "You lost my textbook?"
B: "Ai yah, sorry lah!"
A: "Sorry no cure!"

Hokkien adjective meaning "calamity" or "catastrophe". (衰)
"He was so suay today, got up late, missed bus, and got scolded by his boss."

A compliment about one's coolness.
Ah Lian agreed to go out with him? Since when he so tzai one??

Literal translation from Chinese (mandarin or dialect), which is used to describe undergoing extreme difficulty, intense suffering or great irritation.
"Yesterday, hor, I teach my son Maths, teach until vomit blood."

Hokkien term, which kinda has a sexual connotation, and yet probably the most common Singlish expression of all, it is used in much the same way as "oh my goodness", "wow", or "damn!", depending on the tone used, and the context. A more polite variant is "Wah Lau".
1. "Wah lan eh! How can you do this sort of thing to me?"
2. "My first thought when I saw her was 'wah lan eh'."
3. "Lan eh, I ask you to do this sort of simple-simple thing, you can also cock up!"

The most common polite variation of "Wah Lan". I can forget all the Singlish phrases but this one.

WHAT ( T is slient here)
Yet another Singlish sentence tag, this is often used by people who are in defensive situations.
A: "How come you borrow my shirt now got hole one?!"
B: "Borrow that time orredy like dat, whaaaat!"
A: "Then why you never say first?"
B: "You never ask, whaaaat!"

A handsome male.
Mr Shitface: I am so yan dao!
Mrs Shitface: Yah, right!

Mild curse used to disabuse someone of his or her erroneous assumption.
1. A: "You sure fail the test!"
B: "Your head lah!"
2. "She? Win Miss Universe? Your head lah!"

Viewing downtown on Singapore River