mardi, avril 19, 2005

My first work term has ended.

I went back to Schemasoft with Billy this afternoon to return our PCs. So now, I've officially finished the work term at Schemasoft. In the end, they actually let me keep the 17" bulky monitor as a 'token of appreciation', haha. (I'd rather keep the tower itself :p) What can I use it for? If the IT service 'buys back' monitors, maybe I'll just sell it, for whatever price offered. Certainly I'm not gonna carry it along when I move to Fairview at the end of the month. Bye Schemasoft! Oh wait, actually should be Apple Canada now. :p

3 commentaires:

Tony a dit...

Yup, my unit is 2638. What's your unit number? 有空就过来玩啦。

Tony a dit...

And, I'm settled in BC Cancer Research Centre for the summer work term.

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