lundi, avril 18, 2005

Recommended TV Drama 2 --- Love Story in Harvard (Korea)

片名:爱在哈佛 Love Story in Harvard
地区:韩 国
类型:爱 情

Actually the drama title is kinda misleading, because only less than half of the story happened and was filmed in Harvard. The rest is all in Seoul. Just like a typical Korean drama, the heroine fell into a life-threatening illness, but this time it's a happy ending. Nevertheless, it's undoubtably a highly recommended piece of work (I would give it a 4.5 star). And, the campus scenary of Harvard is indeed breath-taking, gorgeous, and...(haven't yet found another appropriate adjective) Wish I were there!

More photos and wallpapers of this drama in my MSN Space photo album.

金泰熙 饰 李秀茵:哈佛医学系3年级的学生。小时候随父亲移民到美国,受了不少磨难。在父亲的影响下养成了独立,坚强的性格,是个聪敏能干的女孩子。非常率直,从来都不隐藏自己的感情,为了和贤宇相爱。放弃了一直梦寐以求,对自己来说千载难逢的机会。懂得什么是真正的爱情。为了所爱的人,愿意付出和牺牲。

金来元 饰 金贤宇:哈佛法律系留学的新生。在韩国有名望的法学世家出生,并被抚养长大。祖父是受人尊敬的大法官,父亲是律师事务所的代表,在头脑、为人、行为方面都非常优秀。不受名誉、金钱和权利的束缚。是个善良、热心、有人情味的人。

李廷镇 饰 洪正民:美国式的理性主义者,原理原则主义者。得体、优雅的衣着和举止,具有贵族气质。冷酷、理智,过于自负。从小在没有挫折,优越的环境下长大。心地却有着因父亲好不容易建立起来的事业却因为贤宇的父亲所经营的律师事务所中的诉讼中彻底失败而失去父亲的不幸阴影。

金枚 饰 刘真雅:在典型的美国式教育下长大成人。为了得到想要的东西和达到自己的目的会不择手段,性格执拗,还具有很强的占有欲。但是因为恋上了正民,为了得到正民的爱,甚至于达到了会为了爱情而不惜舍弃自己的地步。然而,却始终无法得到他的心。

7 commentaires:

Eddy a dit...

agreed, it's good, especially the part at Harvard.

and..though that guy's english totally sucks.. the drama is still top notch

Tony a dit...

Among the four ppl, 金枚(the one for 刘真雅)'s English is the best. (I think she's an 'ABK', American Born Korean.) And, she's actually very hot!

JohnCai a dit...

I strongly recommend another american TV series, namely "24".

Tony a dit...
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Tony a dit...

What's it about? Love? Police? Soap?

JohnCai a dit...

It is about anti-terrorism. Watch 24 and you will notice the difference between american style TVseries and asian TVseries.

Tony a dit...

Oh, i see liao. 反恐24小时, rite?